248 646 6659
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2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

PsychoBLOGically Speaking

Defining ADHD – Birmingham Maple on CivicCenterTV

Dr. Jessica Garrett from the Birmingham Maple Clinic recently was featured on CivicCenterTV to discuss the new classifications for ADHD, and informed the audience that ADHD and ADD are no longer considered separate conditions.  Watch the video on YouTube above!  

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How are you doing, handling all of this time at home? If working or learning virtually has you a little down, unmotivated, maybe a bit forgetful and anxious, you’re far from alone. The pandemic has caused a lot of people to feel that way. But for others, the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns didn’t cause

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Making Kids Feel Safe When the World Feels Scary

Over the past year, our kids have been exposed to a variety of realities including a global pandemic, racial unrest, public protests, police brutality, social restrictions, and Wednesday’s riots in D.C. — all of which can be confusing and, in some cases, scary to them. Like most parents, Katie Bartholomew struggled how to properly address

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Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health