Common Questions About Family and Relationship Problems
- If two people are truly in love, they shouldn’t have to work hard to keep things going. Right?
- Because my parents were divorced, am I more likely to?
- Why is it that everybody seems to get on my nerves?
What the experts say: Family & Relationship Problems
Relationship problems come in many different forms. Conflicts can occur between spouses, coworkers, siblings, friends, families, neighbors, grandparents, bosses, and many others. Nonetheless, it is often difficult to tell whether the particular conflicts in your life are “normal” or if you have “relationship problems.” The best way to determine this is if you have:
- Constant or frequent conflict with others.
- Long periods of non-communication with important people in your life due to conflicts.
- Difficulty resolving conflicts with others.
- Chronic or frequent feelings of anger or resentment towards others.
- Chronic feelings of loneliness or rejection from others.
- The perception that you are regularly criticized, demeaned, or dismissed by others.
What Else You Should Know About Family and Relationship Problems
It is very difficult to get along with others consistently and harmoniously. Some disagreements are normal. However, if you do have significant relationship conflicts, it’s probably due to one of three reasons.
The first is that people tend to believe they’re supposed to have the problems they’re having, that their problems are “normal.” Because of this belief, many people think that an actual relationship problem exists only when there are severe or chronic arguments, or significant isolation. That’s one reason why many people stay in abusive or loveless marriages. They believe that they’re wrong or selfish to expect more out of a relationship, or that they have no other choices.
The second reason such problems exist is that people tend to believe that outside or external factors are to blame for the problems they have. What they fail to see is that the common denominator in all of their conflicts is themselves, and they usually fail to recognize how their reactions contribute to, or even create the problem.
The third reason is that we, in general, tend to be remarkably unaware of our own feelings and how those feelings get communicated to others. We often believe we are communicating one thing, while in the eyes of others we’re communicating something very different.
At Birmingham Maple Clinic, our highly experienced relationship experts help couples and families improve communication, express emotions appropriately, problem-solve together and recognize options and choices for resolving their conflicts more effectively. Our goal is to give couples and families the skills to lead happier, fuller, more enriched, peaceful lives.
For additional information visit the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
To discuss therapy options or to get started with marriage therapy, contact us or use the form below and we’ll contact you.