248 646 6659
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2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

PsychoBLOGically Speaking

What is “Weaponized Incompetence”? – BMC on Fatherly

Licensed Therapist at the Birminham Maple Clinic, Carrie Krawiec, recently was featured on Fatherly.com to explain the concept of Weaponized Incompetence, and why this dishonest behavior is harmful for relationships.  Weaponized Incompetence is a behavior where one pretends to be bad at a household task, or not know how to do it, in order to

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Issues for First-Time Parents – BMC on MYMITV.COM

Carrie Krawiec, therapist at the Birmingham Maple Clinic, was recently featured on MYMITV.com to discuss common issues for first-time parents, such as post-partum depression and sending a child to school for the first time.  Watch the YouTube video below!  

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Making Kids Feel Safe When The World Feels Scary

Over the past year, our kids have been exposed to a variety of realities including a global pandemic, racial unrest, public protests, police brutality, social restrictions, and most recently Russia’s attacks in Ukraine — all of which can be confusing and, in some cases, scary to them. “They’ve had confusion, misperception, and of course, fear,”

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Helping Kids Feel Safe When The World Feels Scary

Over the past year, our kids have been exposed to a variety of realities including a global pandemic, racial unrest, public protests, police brutality, social restrictions, and recently Russia’s attacks in Ukraine — all of which can be confusing and, in some cases, scary to them. Like most parents, Katie Bartholomew struggled how to properly address

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Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health