During the first few months of the quarantine, most people were on “auto-pilot” and making every preparation to take care of their basic needs. While anxiety and panic were obvious, we did not prioritize our psychological state because there were “more important” needs to attend to immediately; food, shelter, income, and more. This is normal and not unhealthy.
As we resume our lives and return to work, leave the house more often and safely, find ways to properly interact with other people, our focus on the basic needs relaxes and our psychological needs become more obvious as we may become more symptomatic. These feelings and experiences are normal and it is imperative that we acknowledge and accept the intense level of emotionality with which we have been living.
If you are unable to cope with your emotions as they surface, give yourself the advantage of consulting a mental health specialist to talk, to process, understand, and learn more about how this crisis has impacted you and learn healthy ways to cope with and resolve your overwhelming emotions.