248 646 6659
[email protected]
2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

Marriage Counseling in Lansing MI 48980

Marriage Counseling in Lansing MI, 48980
Marriage Counseling in Lansing MI, 48980

Many [spin code=”{couples@people@individuals}”] [spin code=”{feel@are}”] [spin code=”{overwhelemed@troubled}”] with their marriages and [spin code=”{may@might}”] have [spin code=”{trouble@difficulty}”] knowing where to [spin code=”{turn@get help}”].  [spin code=”{Perhaps@Maybe}”] your marriage is [spin code=”{suffering@in trouble}”], or you are [spin code=”{experiencing@having}”] other [spin code=”{issues@problems}”] that are [spin code=”{cutting into@interferring with@affecting}”] your [spin code=”{every day@day-to-day}”] life. [spin code=”{No matter what@Whatever the}”] the reason, [spin code=”{looking for@getting@locating}”] [spin code=”{a professional marriage counselor@profesional help@a competent therapist}”] is [spin code=”{an important@a crucial}”] first step to helping [spin code=”{solve@fix}”] your [spin code=”{life’s biggest issues@marital problems@marriage difficulties}”].

[spin code=”{Marriage Counseling May Be Needed If@A Marriage Counselor May Help If@Marriage Counseling Can Help If}”]:

  • You are [spin code=”{constantly arguing@aruging constantly@arguing frequently}”] with your [spin code=”{spouse@partner}”] – [spin code=”{often about the same topics@usually about the same issues}”].
  • It [spin code=”{seems like@feels as if}”] [spin code=”{everything and everybody@everybody else}”] [spin code=”{is more important to your spouse than you are@gets more attention from your spouse than you do}”].
  • You [spin code=”{are not on the same page on how to raise your children@have very different opinions on how your children should be raised}”].
  • [spin code=”{A major life change has happened@Major changes have occurred}”] – [spin code=”{retirement@a death in the family}”], [spin code=”{children leaving for college@kids off to college}”], [spin code=”{ job loss@losing a job}”], etc.
  • You [spin code=”{need@require}”] [spin code=”{help in@assistance with@guidance in}”] how to [spin code=”{deal@cope}”] with [spin code=”{past infidelity or affairs@a cheating spouse@a spouse who has cheated on you}”].
  • You [spin code=”{simply@really just}”] want to be as [spin code=”{content@happy@satisfied}”] in your [spin code=”{marriage and life@life and marriage}”] [spin code=”{as you once were@as you were in the past}”].

[spin code=”{How@Where}”] to Find the [spin code=”{Best@Right}”] Marriage [spin code=”{Counselor@Counseling@Therapist}”]

Finding a good [spin code=”{therapist@counselor}”] is like finding any type of [spin code=”{healthcare@medical}”] professional – you [spin code=”{really@just}”] need to ask [spin code=”{the right@pertinent}”] questions and make sure you [spin code=”{feel@are}”] [spin code=”{comfortable in order for the counseling to be effective@comfortable with your counselor}”].

[spin code=”{So, what@What}”] [spin code=”{makes a good@to look for in a}”] marriage counselor?  This is  [spin code=”{a common@an often asked}”] question by [spin code=”{indviduals@people@couples}”] looking for [spin code=”{help@support@counseling@therapy}”].  A [spin code=”{good@great}”] [spin code=”{therapist@counselor}”] is one that is [spin code=”{patient@kind}”], [spin code=”{open@accepting}”] and [spin code=”{above all@most importantly}”], non-judgmental.

When looking for [spin code=”{a counselor@a therapist@counseling}”] in Lansing, there are some [spin code=”{key@important@basic}”] questions [spin code=”{to ask that@you can ask that}”] [spin code=”{can@may@will}”] help you [spin code=”{narrow down@simplify}”] your search.  [spin code=”{Ask@Find out}”] how long a therapist has been [spin code=”{in practice@practicing}”] and [spin code=”{what types of counseling they specialize in@if they specialize in certain types of counseling}”].  You [spin code=”{should@can}”] also [spin code=”{check@review}”] their educational [spin code=”{background@degrees}”], references, and [spin code=”{licenses@accreditations}”] they [spin code=”{might have@may possess}”].

[spin code=”{Therapists@Counselors}”] [spin code=”{often@sometimes}”] use a combination of [spin code=”{counseling@therapy}”] techniques [spin code=”{that are designed to treat couples differently@when meeting with couples}”].  This [spin code=”{often includes@might include}”] cognitive behavioral therapy, or other [spin code=”{therapy@techniques}”] [spin code=”{designed@devised}”] to [spin code=”{change@alter}”] [spin code=”{an individual’s@a person’s@a couples’}”] [spin code=”{thought patterns or behaviors@behaviors or thought patterns}”]. [spin code=”{Ask any potential therapist@You can ask potential counselors}”] what kind of techniques or methods they [spin code=”{use@employ@practice}”]

Some [spin code=”{people@couples@indvidiuals}”] find [spin code=”{good@great}”] success in working with a [spin code=”{team@group}”] of therapists often found in mental health clinics that treat a [spin code=”{broad@wide}”] range of [spin code=”{issues@conditions}”].  This is [spin code=”{most@quite}”] helpful in [spin code=”{situations@cases}”] where there are multiple [spin code=”{conditions@issues@problems}”] co-existing, as can be found in cases of substance abuse [spin code=”{and@or}”] depression and even mental health [spin code=”{conditions@problems}”] resulting from [spin code=”{stress or physical illness@physical ailments or stress}”].  Birmingham Maple Clinic has a [spin code=”{huge range@large number}”] of counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists [spin code=”{on staff@available}”], ready to [spin code=”{help@offer assistance}”] with all types of [spin code=”{conditions@mental health issues}”].

Don’t let [spin code=”{embarrassment or fear@fear or embarrassment}”] [spin code=”{stop@deter}”] you from [spin code=”{looking for@seeking}”] [spin code=”{counseling@help}”].  Remember that the health of your marriage is [spin code=”{much more important@more crucial}”] than any [spin code=”{sort@kind}”] of social stigma that you may [spin code=”{feel@experience}”].  Taking care of your own mental health is just as important as your physical health, and with [spin code=”{proper@the right}”] care from the right counseling, you can be on your way to a [spin code=”{healthier marriage and happier you@happier marriage and healthier you}”].

[spin code=”{Does Marriage Counseling Work?@Is Marriage Counseling Effective?}”]

As with any type of [spin code=”{counseling@therapy}”], the effectiveness is dependent on a [spin code=”{large number@wide range}”] of factors.  Research has [spin code=”{shown@proven}”] that [spin code=”{couples@people}”] who wait too long before [spin code=”{seeking@getting}”] help receive less benefit from counseling.  This [spin code=”{shows@demonstrates}”] [spin code=”{the need to seek@the importance of seeking}”] help at the first sign of [spin code=”{problems@issues}”] in your [spin code=”{marriage@relationship}”].  Couples who are still in love and are open to [spin code=”{counseling@therapy}”] and change [spin code=”{gain@get}”] the [spin code=”{greatest benefits@most benefit}”] from marriage counseling.

Marriage counseling can help [spin code=”{open@improve}”] the lines of communication, and [spin code=”{deal with@tackle}”]  issues like [spin code=”{trust and jealousy@jealousy and trust}”].  [spin code=”{Doing these things@Good counseling}”] often helps marriages become healthier and happier. An outside, neutral  [spin code=”{third party@counselor@therapist}”] can offer insight that [spin code=”{might not be visible to@may have not been considered by}”] either [spin code=”{the husband or wife@partner in the marriage}”].  Every couple goes through [spin code=”{periods@stretches}”] when they don’t get along well and the love doesn’t seem to [spin code=”{be there@exist}”].  [spin code=”{Seeing@Visiting}”] a professional will help give you the [spin code=”{power@tools}”] needed to [spin code=”{turn things around@fix marital problems}”] and [spin code=”{have@get}”] the marriage you [spin code=”{want@desire}”].

Marriage Counseling Can Help With:

  • [spin code=”{Facilitate@Develop}”] better communication skills
  • Faster resolution of [spin code=”{arguments@disagreements}”]
  • Dealing with [spin code=”{affairs and cheating@past affairs}”]
  • [spin code=”{Jealousy and Trust Issues@Issues with jealousy and trust}”]

Contact Information for Birmingham Maple Clinic

Birmingham Maple Clinic Building
Birmingham Maple Clinic, 2075 West Big Beaver Road. Troy, MI 48084

Birmingham Maple Clinic
2075 West Big Beaver Road
Suite 520
Troy, MI 48084

Click here for interactive driving directions

Phone: 248.646.6659
Fax: 248.642.8645


Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

• 24-hour emergency answering service

Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health