248 646 6659
[email protected]
2075 West Big Beaver Road Suite 520, Troy, MI 48084

Depression Therapy in Lansing MI 48950

Depression Therapy in Lansing MI, 48950
Depression Therapy in Lansing MI, 48950

[spin code=”{Treatment for depression@Therapy for Depression@Depression Counseling@Professional help for depression@Depression therapy}”] can help [spin code=”{people@individuals}”] [spin code=”{overcome@overwhelmed}”] by feelings of [spin code=”{helplessness and hopelessness@grief or despair@sorrow or grief }”]. [spin code=”{Everyone@Everybody@Every person}”] [spin code=”{feels@gets}”] [spin code=”{sad or down@depressed or sad@sad or blue@sad or depressed}”] [spin code=”{occasionaly@on occasion}”]. [spin code=”{It’s@It is}”] [spin code=”{perfectly@quite}”] [spin code=”{normal@understandable}”] to [spin code=”{be upset@feel sadness}”] [spin code=”{about@over}”] major life [spin code=”{experiences@changes}”], [spin code=”{such as@like}”] [spin code=”{a major illness@or a death in the family@ a job loss or death in the family@a death in the family or a job loss}”]. [spin code=”{But@However}”], for [spin code=”{most people@the majority of people}”], these feelings [spin code=”{tend to lesson@diminish}”] [spin code=”{as time passes@over time}”]. If [spin code=”{a person’s@ an individual’s}”] [spin code=”{sadness@depression}”] [spin code=”{becomes unbearable@doesn’t decrease}”], they [spin code=”{may need@should seek@should consider getting}”] professional [spin code=”{help@counseling@therapy@treatment}”].

[spin code=”{Signs of Depression@Symptoms of Depression@Depression Symptoms}”]

[spin code=”{Feeling@Being}”] [spin code=”{sad@depressed@sorrowful}”] is [spin code=”{ a natural@a normal@an accepted@a common}”] [spin code=”{reaction@response}”] to [spin code=”{troublesome@difficult}”] life [spin code=”{problems@issues}”]. But when these feelings [spin code=”{last@continue}”] for long [spin code=”{periods@stretches}”] of time, they can [spin code=”{keep@stop}”] you from [spin code=”{leading@having}”] [spin code=”{a normal, active@an active, normal}”] life. [spin code=”{Below@Following}”] are [spin code=”{some@a few}”] [spin code=”{signs@symptoms}”] of depression [spin code=”{that might be noticed@that may be present@to look for}”]:

  • [spin code=”{Trouble@Difficulty}”] [spin code=”{remembering details and focusing@concentrating and focusing@concentrating or remembering details}”]
  • [spin code=”{Always feeling tired or fatigued@Feelings of fatigue and decreased energy@Decreased energy and feelings of tiredness}”]
  • [spin code=”{Feelings of low self worth and hopelessness@Feelings of helplessness or guilt}”]
  • [spin code=”{Excessive sleeping or insomnia@Imsomnia or excessive sleeping}”]
  • [spin code=”{Loss of@Little}”] interest in [spin code=”{activities or hobbies@hobbies or activities}”] that [spin code=”{you used to enjoy@that were once pleasurable}”]
  • [spin code=”{No appetite@Little appetite}”] or [spin code=”{overeating@binge eating@rapid weight gain}”]
  • [spin code=”{Persistent@Ongoing}”] feelings of [spin code=”{sadness and emptiness@emptiness or sadness}”]
  • [spin code=”{Suicidal thoughts@Thoughts of suicide}”]

[spin code=”{Does@Will}”] [spin code=”{Depression Therapy@Depression Treatment@Treatment for Depression}”] Work?

Depression is [spin code=”{highly@very}”] treatable with [spin code=”{competent treatment@competent care@professional help}”]. [spin code=”{It’s@It is}”] [spin code=”{crucial@critical@extremely important}”] for people who [spin code=”{suspect@think@believe}”] they or a [spin code=”{family member@member of the family}”] are [spin code=”{suffering from @dealing with}”] depression to seek [spin code=”{help@care@treatment}”] from a [spin code=”{licensed@qualified}”] mental health care [spin code=”{provider@professional@}”]. [spin code=”{Simply put@Basically}”], [spin code=”{people@individuals@folks}”] who [spin code=”{don’t@do not}”] [spin code=”{seek@look for}”] help [spin code=”{suffer needlessly@needlessly suffer}”]. [spin code=”{Unexpressed@Unresolved}”] [spin code=”{feelings and concerns@concerns and feelings}”] [spin code=”{accompanied by@along with}”] a [spin code=”{sense@feeling}”] of [spin code=”{isolation@desolation}”] can [spin code=”{worsen a depression@make things worse}”]; [spin code=”{therefore@hence}”], the [spin code=”{importance@value}”] of [spin code=”{getting help@seeking treatment}”] [spin code=”{can’t@can not}”] be [spin code=”{overemphasized@overstressed}”].

Medications [spin code=”{can@may}”] be [spin code=”{helpful@useful}”] for [spin code=”{lowering@reducing}”] the symptoms of depression in some people, [spin code=”{particularly@especially}”] in cases of moderate to severe depression. Often a combination of psychotherapy and medications is the best course of treatment. However, given the potential side effects, any [spin code=”{use@usage}”] of medication requires [spin code=”{close@careful}”] monitoring by a [spin code=”{physician@psychiatrist}”].

[spin code=”{Some@Many}”] depressed [spin code=”{individuals@people}”] prefer psychotherapy to the use of medications, especially if their depression is not severe. By conducting a thorough assessment, a [spin code=”{licensed and trained@trained and licensed}”] mental health [spin code=”{expert@professional}”] can help make recommendations about an effective [spin code=”{course of@path for}”] [spin code=”{treatment@therapy}”] for [spin code=”{an individual’s@a person’s}”] depression.

There are [spin code=”{many@a number of}”] different [spin code=”{types@forms}”] of psychotherapy. One common [spin code=”{form@method}”] is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is [spin code=”{based@centered}”] on the [spin code=”{idea@belief}”] that your thoughts [spin code=”{determine@establish}”] your feelings. It [spin code=”{helps you@allows you to}”] identify negative [spin code=”{beliefs and behaviors@behaviors and beliefs}”] and [spin code=”{replace@supersede}”] them with more [spin code=”{positive@productive}”] ones. Interpersonal therapy [spin code=”(IPT)@, or IPT,}”] is another of many options. It focuses on improving [spin code=”{troubled@troubling}”] relationships that may [spin code=”{have played a part@be a factor}”] in your depression.


How to Find [spin code=”{the Right Depression Treatment@a Depression Therapist}”] in XXXX

[spin code=”{Therapists and psychiatrists@Psychiatrists and therapists}”] may use [spin code=”{many@a number of}”] different approaches. Some focus on practical, [spin code=”{here and now@present}”] [spin code=”{problems@issues@concerns}”]. Others focus more on [spin code=”{probing@exploring}”] events [spin code=”{from your@in the}”] past that [spin code=”{might@may}”] [spin code=”{have played a role in@be a source of@be partially responsible for}”] your depression. Many [spin code=”{employ@use}”] a [spin code=”{mix@mixture}”] of styles. When you [spin code=”{first@initially}”] [spin code=”{talk@speak}”] to a potential [spin code=”{therapist or psychiatrist@psychiatrist or therapist}”], [spin code=”{ask@inquire}”] about his or her [spin code=”{approach@style}”]. See if it’s [spin code=”{a good@the right}”] fit. If it’s not, find [spin code=”{someone else@another professional}”]. If you don’t [spin code=”{click@mesh}”] with a [spin code=”{therapist@professional}”], [spin code=”{therapy@treatment@counseling}”] is less likely to [spin code=”{help@be of benefit}”]. Research [spin code=”{suggests@shows}”] that shared [spin code=”{goals@objectives}”] and the [spin code=”{sense@feeling}”] of being [spin code=”{liked and deeply understood@deeply understood and liked}”] are good [spin code=”{predictors@indicators}”] of [spin code=”{a successful outcome@successful treatment@successful therapy}”]. Some [spin code=”{people@individuals}”] [spin code=”{might@may}”] [spin code=”{feel@be}”] more [spin code=”{comfortable@at ease}”] with either a [spin code=”{male or a female@female or a male}”] [spin code=”{professional@therapist}”], or one of certain [spin code=”{race or age@age or race}”], which is something [spin code=”{to be considered@you may want to consider}”].


[spin code=”{How to Reach@How to Contact@Contact}”] Birmingham Maple Clinic

Birmingham Maple Clinic Building
Birmingham Maple Clinic, 2075 West Big Beaver Road. Troy, MI 48084

Birmingham Maple Clinic
2075 West Big Beaver Road
Suite 520
Troy, MI 48084

Click here for interactive driving directions

Phone: 248.646.6659
Fax: 248.642.8645


Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

• [spin code=”{24@twenty four}”] hour emergency answering [spin code=”{service@services}”]

Birmingham Maple Clinic | Michigan Mental Health